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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Marie Cat Sandwich Bento ,,, Bento # 017

Today is first Sunday of School Holiday ... feel so relax and happy with this.

My youngest daughter requested a cute breakfast this morning, so I made sandwich for her. Because She wanted to take her breakfast to her grandma's house, so I packed the sandwich into the box.

I came up with this Marie Cat sandwich because I had plenty of times this morning ,,, need some times to create marie cat's face. I used marie cat bread cutter and punch for the face.

Inside the box : Ham, cheese, and egg sandwich decorate with star fish ball and lovely ribbon food picks

Have a beautiful Sunday girls ,,, (^^,)


  1. Oh! So cute =^.^= I love cats. Is it an aristocat? wow there is an own cutter for an aristocat. Well done!

    1. Hallo Midori, thanks so much for your compliment.
      Yes ,, Marie Cat is an aristocat from disney.
      One of my favourite disney character too ,, (^^,)
